Thank you
(too old to reply)
Lacey Langlois
2003-11-24 21:02:59 UTC
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Sarah Burley
2003-11-25 20:00:00 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
thanks for all the help this term! I think can speak for everyone when
I say, that without you, we would be truely lost! Thanks again for all
the help, and best luck to you in the new year, and in all that you do
in the future!

2003-11-25 20:00:23 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Hi Lacey!

Thanks for all of your help and encouragement! I actually looked forwrd
to getting most things back to see if I got a sticker! I have to admit
that CS wasn't my favourite class, but you made it oh so much better!

In tradition to my limerick writing... (which you know about) here's one
for you!

There was an instructor named Lacey
She had such a lovely face-y
CS wasn't bad
When Lacey you had
She's even better than Kevin Spacey!

Thanks again for everything and take care!

In Christ,
- Emily <><
Diana An
2003-11-25 20:04:47 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Hello Lacey! It was so nice to have you as our lab instructor. You have
been so friendly and smiley, trying to keep this course lively.
Hopefully, you will continue to teach other cs100 students so that they
get to experience such a great tutor! Have a great christmas and God
bless :)
Diana An
2003-11-25 20:05:59 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Hello Lacey! It was so nice to have you as our lab instructor. You have
been so friendly and smiley, trying to keep this course lively.
Hopefully, you will continue to teach other cs100 students so that they
get to experience such a great tutor! Have a great christmas and God
bless :)
Ritu Ashrafi
2003-11-25 20:16:09 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Hey Lacey,
I had a good cs term. It was much better than my friends had told me.
You were very helpful. I can't believe that u recognise all of us by
name! Thats pretty impressive.
good luck with your next co-op term.
Paige Batho
2003-11-25 20:13:33 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Hi Lacey,

Thanks for being such a great TA!! You made CS100 fun. Thanks again
and happy holidays to you as well,

Carlos Andrade
2003-11-25 20:23:13 UTC
I hoped you enjoyed working with us as we did working with you. Thanks
for all the help and stuff. You truly made my first term a little more
enjoyable! I've learned a lot and I feel ready for next term, thanks for
the mentorship!! Take cares!!!
Kristy Brezina
2003-11-25 20:29:39 UTC
Post by Lacey Langlois
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for a great term. It has been great
getting to know you all a little bit better. You are a great group of
individuals, and I wish you all of the best with your exams and in the
Happy Holidays,
Hey Lacey!

Thanks for making CS a whole lot better than many people say it is! You
were so helpful in labs, explained things very well, and are just a
super nice person! Good luck with everything in the future, and have a
great holiday!

Dan Blaxall
2003-11-25 20:34:02 UTC
Hey lacey! Thanks for making the lab great. To be honest, I wasn't
expecting much, but it was actually pretty fun. good luck with whatever
you do in the future.
Mary Dowhaniuk
2003-11-25 20:58:52 UTC
TO Lacey
I had a lot of fun in your lab!
It was a pleasure having you teach me. If my constant questions annoyed
you i am sorry, but thats what made the class interesting.. well for me
Thank you for the excellent skills you have taught me!
I appriciate all of the hard work you put into this lab :o)
Hope to see you again soon!
Bye Bye

