internet addiction
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Samia Banafunzi
2004-07-27 18:32:38 UTC
This article talks about Internet addiction. It was found in many
researches that excessive Internet use carries some of the same risks as
gambling: It can lead to social isolation, depression and failure at
work or school.
By using the Internet too much can hurt face-to-face relationships and
many psychologists say that it can ruin marriages and careers.
In one survey of 1,700 Internet users, presented August 24, 1999 at a
meeting of the American Psychological Association, 6 percent of those
surveyed met the criteria for addiction: They felt a building tension
before the act, a rush of relief afterwards and distortions of mood and
bingeing. There are many things that attract addicts to the Internet
including pornography, online gambling, online auctions or stock
trading. Some people like creating new identities for themselves.
This article found that many experts are still debating on the Internet
effect of mental health. They¹re many studies, which show that many
people find comfort in having anonymous discussions with others who
share mental conditions. But there are other studies that show a link
between excessive Internet use and mental disorders. It was found in a
March 2000 issue of the Journal of Affective Disorders; researchers
interviewed 20 people whose lives had been disrupted by the Internet.
Nearly all of them were diagnosed with serious mental illness, such as
bipolar disorder. Many were sacrificing sleep to spend an average of 30
hours a week online outside work.
Found at:
David Phan
2004-07-27 20:15:04 UTC
Personally, I think that Internet Addiction can be related to other
addictions that people might have towards other media (eg. Television,
Radio, etc.).
It's true that a lot of people, (especially young people), today are
always doing activities online, (chatting with friends, playing online
games, etc.), but before the internet, these activities were still being
done, (like talking with friends on the phone or getting together with
friends and playing games). The only thing is that these activities have
turned towards a more convenient media, (instead of talking to one
friend over the phone, you can talk to many through instant messaging).
But I'm guessing the internet addiction issue might go away when another
type of media is discovered and then people will start talking about
addiction to that, (case and point: does anyone today still talk about
people addicted to watching television and/or reading books?)
